Nancy Espinal Argueta

Photos by Nancy F Espinal

Nancy Espinal Argueta was born in Santiago Puringla La Paz, a small remote town in Honduras. Some of her early work consisted of painting a mural for her elementary school when she was only eight years old. She often helped her classmates with their art projects in exchange for snacks. Right when she started middle school, life took a left turn. Nancy began experiencing troubles in school, and fell into depression. She was soon diagnosed with anorexia, which affected her youth personally. Four long years she was bed bound, bounced between two hospitals and home, had no friends and little interaction with her family.

Art soon became her means of security and safe haven which in-turn helped her defeat the odds of becoming another death statistic. Her dream was to attend The Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes which is the main center of education and training of artists in Honduras. However, due to her family’s lack of funds to send her to school she was never able to apply. Not able to attend school did not hinder her desire to become a well-known artist. The aspiration and love for art literally saved her life and shaped to who she is today.

Escaping harsh political circumstances in Honduras, she decided to make the journey to the U.S.A hoping to chase her American dream. Nancy arrived to the Austin in early 2000’s with a new canvas before her, and motivated to make her dream a reality. Her work is now inspired by vivid memories of the beautiful parts in Honduras, where small towns and its amazing nature boast the detail into her art. Nancy has expanded her crafts into diverse portraits from mix-media, self-portrait, modern, and more. Her youth and present self believes that her art can tell a story through each design. Nancy hopes that her work can encourage for those who suffer, love and conquer.